Saturday 22 May 2010


A warm night in mid- to late-May, coupled with misty conditions at dawn, always brings expectation - and usually no birds! However, for once, today that expectation was fulfilled with a Common Rosefinch at Sydvestpynten. I was a little late out today (Libby was flying to London this morning so, like the good husband that I am, I made her breakfast and helped her get ready). So it was good to meet Ole Nyegaard almost as soon as I reached Sydvestpynten who told me that there was a Common Rosefinch singing in the gardens by the car park. We walked over and could immediately hear it singing its characteristic wolf whistle-like song. After a few seconds we could see it in a birch tree and were pleased to see it was a nice red male (often one sees the rather drab first summer males). This bird had a red head, red on the upper breast and a red rump. I would think that this means it is at least a 3rd year bird (ie born at least two years ago). It was fairly mobile within the confines of the two gardens and sang almost constantly for the time we were there. I recorded a pretty grotty video and took a few photos (see below) before moving on to the point. On the way we bumped into Morten Christensen who had seen the bird earlier and he gripped us even more with news of a 'yellow' (ie adult male) Golden Oriole that he had seen migrating east from Kofoeds Enge - nice! I didn't score with the Oriole but did see 11 Honey Buzzards, a couple of Icterine Warblers, a Thrush Nightingale, 3 rather late Common Cranes, at least 30 Yellow Wagtails and a rather uncharacteristically showy Bittern that stood out in the open at Hejresøen.

Photo: 3k+ male Common Rosefinch, Sydvestpynten

Common Rosefinch from Terry Townshend on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Phil Slade said...

Great video Terry, well captured song and not at all like the Common Nightingale from your previous post.