I spent three hours in the north dunes on my last morning in Norfolk before returning to Denmark tonight. Winds were in the east and migration was almost non-existent with a handful of Swallows and a few Linnets. After an hour of very little I decided to check the rocks for a late Purple Sandpiper and was rewarded with two of these smart waders feeding amongst the surf. Fantastic. The Ring Ouzel remained loyal to its small field and two Cuckoos were engaged in a territorial battle with energetic "cuckooing" and rapid chases along the dunes, again providing fantastic photo opportunities. The underwing pattern is truly stunning and something I have not noticed before..
It's been an enjoyable few days back on my old stomping ground despite the cold north-north-easterly winds which have had a dampening effect on migration. With Woodchat Shrike, Purple Sandpiper, Cuckoo and lots of common migrants, it's been an enjoyable few days.

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