Notes from a Brit living and birding in Copenhagen..
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Penduline Tits again
I visited Grønjordssøen this evening after work and was lucky to immediately latch on to a Penduline Tit feeding in the reeds on the west side of the lake. It was calling frequently and soon I could hear a second bird calling to the south. Almost immediately the second bird came into view and started to feed close to the first, enabling views of both birds and clearly a pair. The male is ringed but I could not see a ring on the female. They continued to feed and, all around, there were singing Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers, the latter only really arriving in numbers this week. It's been cold and blustery over the last couple of days (it even tried to snow yesterday!) but the window of evening sun, combined with the shelter provided by the scrub, meant it almost felt like spring!
Photos: Penduline Tit (first three), Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler
Hi Terry,
Great pictures of Penduline tit!. We (LFR and i) will try to see it at Grønjordssøen today, friday the 23'
Thanks Frank. And good luck today. The area with the picnic table and bench seems to be the best place to start looking...
Hi again Terry,
We found a male Penduline tit about the area with the picnic table on the westside, just as you descriped, so thanks a lot!
I've also got some pictures of it!
Great..! I am sure it is building a nest in that area... will keep an eye on it!
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