In all the excitement of yesterday's vis-mig at Sydvestpynten I inadvertently forgot to relay to you the rarest sighting of all - the US First Lady's plane. Yes, it's true, Obamamania has hit Copenhagen. Michelle is in town today (with Oprah Winfrey) and her husband, Barack, is due tomorrow morning. All to chase the 2016 olympics, for which the Obama's home town, Chicago, is a contender. I managed to snap the photo below of this rare vagrant as it made its way south just before 10am, shortly after dropping off the First Lady to work her charm on the International Olympic Committee. The distinctive colouration and markings on the wing serve as diagnostic features.
Michelle herself has been seen shopping in Copenhagen's exclusive stores - Magasin and Illum - and today had lunch with the Danish Queen at Amelienborg. Nice.
Photos below: A rare vagrant seen from Sydvestpynten at 10am; and the First Lady herself.

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