Highlight of the day must go to a Jack Snipe that flew in from the west, almost settled about a metre away from me before finally settling just a few metres away in some short wet grass on the edge of a pool. Could I see it once it landed? Not a chance.. Thinking it would be a good photo opportunity I slowly edged towards the area where it landed, scanning with my binoculars every few paces. But, as is often the case with this species, it proved invisible and I almost trod on it before it flew up and settled further away on the lagoons.
As I searched every bush and shrub (is there a difference?) for a YBW I came across more Goldcrests, Siskins, Chiffchaffs (many of an eastern race with a two-tone call) and lots more Wrens.. An adult White-tailed Eagle overhead was a bonus as was a Red Kite that drifted west. The only thing that slightly spoilt my day was a puncture on my bike (my fourth in two weeks after having none for two years!) that meant I had a 3 mile walk pushing said bike to the Metro station to get home... Grr..
As I write I can hear the Swedish football supporters who have, as is the tradition here, taken over the main square in Kongens Nytorv ahead of their World Cup qualifier clash with Denmark later this evening... all seems to be in good spirits (so far at least).
Photos: Barnacle Geese; White-tailed Eagle; a Bearded Tit flirting with migration; and one of the hundreds of Goldcrests that arrived overnight.

1 comment:
Hi - yes it was a very goooood day!
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