Amazingly, on the very same puddle that the juvenile Broad-billed Sandpiper enjoyed so much at Køge, an equally confiding juvenile Red-necked Phalarope has now taken up residence! I made an early start to spend a couple of hours there this morning before work and enjoyed a fabulous close encounter with this stunning wader in the company of top Danish photographer
Eigil Ødegaard. Several times it walked right up to us and, on occasion, it was too close for our lenses to focus!
It's going to be hard to leave Danish birding!
Click to big up the photos. Video to follow.

superb terry, reminds me of my encounter last year but with a much better camera! Scandinavia rocks but I am sure China will have its moments.
Wow! Those image are out of this world!!! The 3rd one is just perfect!
These are cracking shots, especially the close up of the head.
Thanks guys. The bird was unbelievably confiding and the light was good, so circumstances conspired in the photographer's favour!
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