A brisk walk to take advantage of the "sunny interval" that was forecast this morning produced more gulls along the harbour front at Copenhagen. No sign of the Caspian today but lots of Black-headed and
argentatus Herring Gulls. I took my new (well, new to me) Canon body with me to have a play (I just bought a second hand 1d MkII body at the local store) and I love it already - super fast and great focusing on birds in flight. Much better than my trusty 400D.. (sorry 400D but this older model is classy). I can tell I am going to have a lot of fun... Only problem is the sensor seems to be a bit dirty (not that you can tell on the photos below, thanks to iPhoto) but with a bit of cleaning fluid, should be as good as new...
Four of the Black-headed Gulls today were colour-ringed. White ring with black lettering on the right leg with a metal ring on the left leg. These birds are part of a ringing scheme run by Copenhagen University, so they haven't come far.. Still, it's always worth reporting them to track movements and confirm they are still alive.. you never know, one of these may have travelled 100s of miles and returned, so all reports are valuable.
The bottom bird is the regular one-legged bird that seems to be coping fine... (just takes a bit longer to steady itself when it lands and wobbles a bit if its windy...)
Photos: Black-headed Gulls.

You can see the quality with the pics you must be really pleased with your new acquisition!
I'm now eyeing up the 7D!
Cheers, Peter
Hi Peter,
The 1D Mk II is an awesome machine. Knocks the socks off my 400D. It's the speed and focusing which are so impressive.. shots I wouldn't even consider with my 400D are easily made with this beast.
I can only dream what the 1D MkIV is like!!
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