Monday 27 April 2009

Red-rumped Swallow part deux

Unbelievably, we saw a second Red-rumped Swallow on Saturday morning almost exactly 24 hours after the first... this time at 0925 in the morning rather than 0915 on Friday.. Again, it zoomed through going south in the company of Swallows. The sense from the few observers that saw both (3 I think) was that it was a different bird, slightly duller. Photos below for comparison. Other highlights included 4 Little Egrets and another batch of Bar-tailed Godwits, a Ring Ouzel, 2 Hen Harriers and a White Wagtail. The keen southerly wind meant that most birds passed low against the dunes providing me with the chance to get some pleasing photos of Marsh Harrier and Oystercatcher - both fairly common in this part of the world but difficult to photograph.

Needless to say, this morning (Sunday) we were expecting queues of birders on the dunes between 0900 and 0930 waiting for the hat-trick but sadly it never happened.. Nevertheless, an unforgettable weekend!

Photos: the second Red-rumped Swallow; a female Marsh Harrier; and an Oystercatcher

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